Friday 24 June 2016

EU, Jobs and coming to the end of Ashley Ryan

So today, the UK voted to leave the EU. All I got to say on that is this:

Not every UK country voted to leave. 62% of those who voted in Scotland and 55% of Northern Ireland voters wanted to stay. The actual balance between Remain and Leave voters in England and Wales wasn't a huge margin so anyone feeling smug that they got what they wanted should know one thing: it wasn't a landslide. To be honest, if this leads to Scotland and Northern Ireland opting out of the UK and Ireland becoming one united country, then good on them. I would like to say I'm chuffed that Iggle Piggle Cameron has resigned but the thought of Brexit, Farage or Blow Job Johnson being in charge terrifies me more. I hope this leads to another general election so it can be brought in fairly. I swear if Donald Fart* becomes President, I think I'll move to Australia or Japan to get away from the madness.

(*FYI In the UK “trump” means “fart”. It's what I used as a child before fart became more popular....and “pump” is another word as well lol)

In terms of the last few weeks, I have been struggling. I actually had a job starting on 31st May. However, that stopped on 9th June when I got a phone call not to come back because I made a few mistakes. The matter in question was talked about and dealt with two days earlier so this was a slap in the face. What did I expect: I was there only 9 days and had no training. A few week later, on 154th June, I got another job starting the next day. I was chuffed until I was told the next day that every day, my shifts would be confirmed on a day to day basis by text. When you are on the 2pm-10pm shift (the shift I started on that week), the text should come between 8am-10am of the day of my shift. For the 6am-2pm shift (the shift I was going to do the week after), the text would come the night before. I tried to be optimistic about this but this past Sunday, it was nearly 9pm and I still haven't received a text and my optimism flew out of the window. I was on edge and I wondered when do they send the texts? It could be bloody 10pm-11pm for all I know in which case, I would only get a few hours sleep. SO I rang them and said I wasn't coming back. Shock upon shocks, I get a call at 6:05am from an agency worker wonder why I wasn't at work. I told them that I had already rung and SHOWN SOME FUCKING MANNERS IN DOING SO. The call after that was awkward after that but I'm not to blame. I did ring them and plus I NEVER got a text confirming my shift (a text I would have to reply to) so what could I do?

Sometime I wonder if agencies are employed with the same amoebas. What;s bad is that you are meant to be paid weekly and I have not received pay for the day's work I've done. Bastards!!!

With being at work and then being down from then having no job, my mind has not been much on writing. However, between 4th June and 13th June, Parts 4-7 was completed. However, I struggled with Part 8 because it's the big climax scene and well with all this crap with jobs and that, I've had the motivation. It's finally done so now I have to wind the story down which I ideally would like to go over two parts but more likely to be one. I just wondered if I got too much going on in the story but not going to think about that until I'm done. At the moment, my work count is 29.625 which I think is even more than the word count of my first published novel “Opening Pandora's Book” which was meant to be a series but turned out to be a disaster so no republications or sequels for that.

Well, back to the writing zone.