Sunday 15 May 2016

Security issues, new account and Ashley Ryan


As some of you may know, I used to have a blog under the same title.....more about that under the "Read more" the meantime......

shock upon shocks, I have started writing properly. I have had a lot of teething problems as some of you will know but I have officially taken an old draft of my first ever Ashley Ryan novel (prequel to two short stories I wrote in the past):

"The Kelpie" - as part of the Scarlet Whispers ( link avaialble on ebook and print)

"The Longest Night" - sequel to "The Kelpie" and can be found in Book 3 of the Legends of the Monster Hunter series ( link avail on ebook or print. This book is also available on Kindle Unlimited)

I am taking my old draft of the original novel and giving it a complete revamp, forcing in filler scenes to make it flow better (the original story was just a collection of the bigger important scenes with no fillers to link them and make it flow better). I am writing the story in parts at the moment, ending the part after one of my original big scenes. One of the lovely friends is reading the story and making comments as I go along. I hope to have Part 2 finished by tonight so I better get cracking.

Have a lovely sunny Sunday, peeps!

Helen xxxxx  

Update 19:30 - Part 2 is finally donw....hooray!!! Part 3 is going to be difficult as there is a lot to write to scratch before the next written down moment....eeek!!! I have also got permission to republish my short story "The Longest Night" along with this novel. Asked for permission in relation to "The Kelpie" so who knows? 

Update 22:05 - Got permission to revise "The Kelpie". Sweet. Mkaing notes for Part 3 as this is where the plot REALLY begins and I am liking what I got. How it all comes out on the paper though is a different matter.