Saturday 16 July 2016

Why being negative of the new Ghostbusters film doesn't necessarily make you misogynistic!

This has nothing to do with my stories and it was meant to be a short status on Facebook but I thought a blog post would suffice. For the record, I am female. I am not a self-hating woman. I am slightly misandrist but that's because of my past with men.

Anyway, this is all about Ghostbusters (mostly). Unless you have been hiding in a cave in the middle of nowhere on a deserted island for the last few years, you will know that there is a Ghostbusters move coming out, featuring an all-female cast. It has received a lot of scepticism and one of its trailers was (and may still be) voted as the most disliked video in YouTube history. Haters have been described as misogynistic fan boys who have no life and possibly hated the fact the the latest Star Wars film had a main female character as well as main black character. And for some parts, this criticism may be right.

(FTR, I love Rey and Finn. Rey isn't there to be rescued or to be seen as overly beautiful. She kicks seriously ass, she seduced James Bond, using the Force to get them to free her and is overly independent. THAT is what makes her sexy. And as for the wooden acting remarks; this was Daisy Ridley's first major acting role; give her a bloody break, guys. I loved her! As for the “she was too thin” remarks; think of it this way. She's a scavenger, working long days for stuff she can sell which brings in small meagre potions, possibly having one meagre meal a day; she's not living the life of Jabba the Hutt. It make sense that she'd be that skinny so feck off! As for Finn; I love this guy and he has so much room for character development that I hope it's taken to its potential. I just hope that Star Wars had Padme Amidala and Princess Leia who were kick ass women and then once love came into their love lives, it seemed to be less kick ass and more needy as well as more about their looks. And no, this is not about THAT bikini! That was a complete different kettle of fish!)

Anyway, back onto I would like to point which is Ghostbusters. I admit I was sceptical as well. I grew up on the original Ghostbusters and thought it was scary (especially that scene when Sigourney Weaver on the armchair. THAT gave me nightmares for years!). The second film wasn't so good but still watchable. The thought of another reboot made me go WTF, especially with an all-female cast (with a sexy man being their secretary).

Then THAT trailer came out! I'm sorry guys but I hated it but I didn't hate it because of it being all women. I mean, the trailer had a voice over stating what three of the Ghostbusters did beforehand, like one was the best physician ever known blah blah blah WE DON'T CARE! We didn't need that crap for the original film and we didn't need it now. Also, it looked like the unfunniest film. The jokes sounded lame and predictable and don't get me started on the scene that looks like a spoof of the Exorcist, with the head twisting scene. I didn't think that Chris Hemsworth could save what look like crap. Okay, you're not supposed to put the best jokes in the trailers – that's the sign of a crap film but for god's sake, throw us a bone here!

Now the reviews are in and they are looking good. One review in the Metro this weekend summed up for me what I was fearing from the film. It stated there were no female jokes in the film; no period jokes; none of that cheesy 'girl power' rubbish*, no daughter trying to live up to her daddy's work, nothing that seemed to have become the standards of today's chick films. I'm not a fan of chick films. There are only two that I like: “The Devil Wears Prada” and “Love Actually” and they are not high up on my favourite films list.

Hearing this makes me smile because THAT is why I was worried for this film. There seems to be a standard for all-boy films and all-chick films and I was worried that the great Ghostbusters was going to be reduced into a chick flick and the old films, not even the not-so-good films were about that. They were not about gender. I mean, the Ghostbusters were all guys but there was no macho talk, no talk about chatting up women etc Even the possibly exception of Venkman, the team were intelligent and driven on the goal set on them Yes, there was Venkman trying to hit on Dana but that was it. It was not the be-all and end-all. When you got the crew behind films such as “Bridesmaids” at the helm of the reboot, surely, it is easy to perceive that this would become a chick flick. It now sounds like a team of people with one cause. Yes, they are all-female but sorry in the real world, guys stick together and girls stick together so it makes sense that it was not mixed gender at all.

Also, there is the point of script. Reviews are saying it holds jokes but does not have the same wit as the original film and as well as being a chick flick, I knew it6 could not hold up to the original film. Let's face it, the first film held a lot of wit. I mean you got Dan Aykroyd and the late Harold Ramis writing the script and Billy Murray doing what he does best – adlibbing practically every line in the only way he knew how. I've heard Melissa McCarthy is a superb actress and reviews are saying that Kate McKinnon is the standout of the four as Jillian, the “female Egon” plus the four actresses are veterans of Saturday Night Live, which makes them good comedians but can that huour hold up to the brilliant wit that made Ghostbusters so good? I guess only time will tell but it is another doubt I have about the reboot.   

Before the reviews, the more I saw of the adverts (except for that god-awful one), I was more inclined to watch it and now after reading the reviews, I am more tempted. It's just a lesson is that 'Forget trailers. Wait for the reviews'. I am not saying that because the reviews are looking good.

(*girl power is good but in films, it comes off as the extreme, and in my opinion, girl power is great but in my eyes, feminism doesn't mean women are better. It means women should be treated equal to men and nothing more, nothing less)

Okay, crazy rant over xxxxxx

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